We are here to answer all your requests. Find the contact form and addresses for Concreta’s offices or showrooms below to obtain all the information you need.
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Concreta S.r.l. a socio unico
Sede operativa
Loc. Carpineti di Fighille
06010 Citerna PG Italia
t: +39 075 9001100
f: +39 075 9001133
Sede legale
Via Guelfa 28
52100 Arezzo AR Italia
Sede commerciale
Strada degli Olmi 16
61122 Pesaro PU Italia
Diesis S.r.l.
Sede operativa
Loc. Carpineti di Fighille
06010 Citerna PG Italia
t: +39 075 9001100
f: +39 075 9001133
Sede legale
Via Guelfa 28
52100 Arezzo AR Italia
Spaces to get the Concreta experience. Book an appointment to develop a custom-made project and view Concreta solutions with our experts. We will shape your ideas.

San Sepolcro
Via Divisione Garibaldi n° 10S. Fiora - San Sepolcro (AR), Italia

Via Divisione Garibaldi n° 10S. Fiora - San Sepolcro (AR), Italia